The right to education is a fundamental human right recognized by numerous international declarations and conventions that most Latin American countries have signed or to which they have acceded. It plays an essential role in the construction Of human capital, the breaking of the cycle of poverty, the promotion of economic productivity and elimination of social disparities and inequalities.
This right is essential in the region to allow the population to obtain the necessary skills to access the labor market and respond to growing expectations of specialization.
Countries in the region are experimenting Great Challenges sociopolitical and instability, undermining public policies that guarantee quality education.
It is Latin America where more marked inequalities And where the Education It is a right that varies depending on the Social class, the genus and if the person lives in the countryside or in the city.
This right is also less accessible to vulnerable groups Like the people with disabilities, people elders, ethnic minorities, the indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples and the people of the LGBTQI+ community.
In addition, the COVID-19 crisis highlighted the deficiencies of digital education in terms of competence development, new teaching methods and access to computer tools for low-income institutions and students. Thus, inclusion and access are the main criteria for the design of public policies that take into account sustainability, with a view to achieving education for all.
In the region, 2.3 million girls and boys do not attend primary school, and the situation is more critical at the secondary level: 2.5 million teens they don't attend the first cycle of high school and 7.2 millionThey don't attend the second cycle.