Humanitarian Scholarships Project

Designed for Transform lives through the creation of educational opportunities in institutions of higher education.

This project not only restores the right to education, but also promotes social integration, personal and professional development, and the construction of a decent future for those who have been forcibly displaced.

  • With a priority focus on young people and women, scholarships represent a significant change for vulnerable populations by opening doors to knowledge, training and empowerment of populations in situations of forced mobility.
  • By accessing these educational opportunities, beneficiaries overcome economic and social barriers, and they also become agents of change for their communities.

This transformative impact is possible thanks to strong strategic alliances with universities and academic institutions in Europe and Latin America.

More than education, we build hope and tools for a more just, resilient and capable future for those who face the challenges of forced mobility. We promote inclusion, equal opportunities and sustainable development.

The right to education has been restored to


in a situation of vulnerability and forced mobility.
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